YAS Global

Web Analytics

Web Analytics module allows you to add Web Analytics Functionality for the Content, Taxonomies and Views Pages.

You can configure this from the Dashboard by going on Administer -> Configuration -> System -> Web Analytics. You can use multisite functionality in this as well.

Let’s suppose you have the production and staging environment. You make all the changes on the Staging Environment and Push those to the Production Environment. So, the module provides you the ability to enable multisite functionality. This functionality provides you the ability to update the Analytics in Production Environment as well as on the Staging Environment (URI which you have defined on the configuration page).

You can also get the `nids` and `tids` according to the available stats.

For Node Type, call `web_analytics_get_nodetype_result` function and pass the following parameters:

  1. Name of node type
  2. Limit, how many Node IDs you need to be returned. Default to all
  3. Order: In which order your Node IDs needs to be returned. Default to DESC

Example: `web_analytics_get_nodetype_result(‘page’, 10, ‘asc’)`

For Taxonomy, call `web_analytics_get_taxonomy_result` function and pass the following parameters:

  1. Name of Taxonomy
  2. Limit, how many Term IDs you need to be returned. Default to all
  3. Order: In which order your Term IDs needs to be returned. Default to DESC

Example: `web_analytics_get_taxonomy_result(‘page’, 10, ‘asc’)`


You can download Web Analytics module from here: https://www.drupal.org/project/web_analytics


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